Author - Rich

The Veg Plot

A Christmas pear infusion

Here’s a simple vodka-based infusion concerning our dear old pal, the pear. It’s a spicy concoction that only takes a few days to mature, so get on...

The Veg Plot

Building a Raised Bed

We’ve just taken delivery of a few sacks of barley, oats and wheat seed for our latest brewing experiments. Lucky old us*. And to contain our...

The Veg Plot

How to season wood

February, eh? What a scorcher! We spent the latter half of the month prancing around in shorts, waving at early emerging butterflies and sniffing the...

The Veg Plot

How to make leaf mould

Autumn has arrived and the trees surrounding our allotment are busy littering our neglected veggie beds and adjoining pathways with their crispy...